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Sterling Breeze Restoration

Sterling Breeze condominium

Earlier in the year the Sterling Breeze association board undertook the task of seeking assistance from an Architectural and Engineering (A&E) firm that specializes in the restoration of condominiums.  The board retained Pendleton + Bowman, which is becoming a reoccurring theme for local condos doing restoration projects.  They handled the Long  Beach condominium and are currently also working on the Grandview restoration.

Work scheduled to be done

In May Pendleton + Bowman helped the association go out to bid for a project that included:

  • Repair of the entire existing stucco wall system and applying a waterproof coating.
  • Repair of spalling for any areas of the balconies and walkways that have issues.

Construction Schedule

This is a large project and is expected to begin after Labor Day 2015 and be completed by March 2016.

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